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Manual needle for bone marrow biopsy and aspiration from the iliac crest, sterile.

Alternate Versions: PickUP D - supplied with a double spoon catching system (not CE marked)reference code: PJTDXXYY and PickUp with diamond tip (CE marked), reference code: PJTHXXYY

PickUp is composed of a stylet handle and T-shaped ergonomic cannula handle. The needle gauges are indicated on the handle. The device is equipped with a catching system handle and a catching system made of AISI 304 stainless steel. The tip of the catching system is designed to capture the sample without the need for dislocation.


PickUp also contains a catching system protection, tip protection, an AISI 302 stainless steel stylet with 16° Trocar tip, and an AISI 304 stainless steel cannula with a fish mouth tip.


The cannula has centimeter markings to allow the user to easily determine the depth of penetration into the bone tissue. The device some with a safety made of plastic material, extraction wire protection, additional stylet handle, and Luer Lock for use with a plastic syringe. An extraction wire made of AISI 302 stainless steel with centimeter markings is used to determine the length of the sample to be taken and facilitate its expulsion from the cannula. 

PJ - OsteoJ.png
Cannula Protection.png
PJT - PickUp Spoon.png
PJT - PickUp Extra Stylet.png
PJT - PickUp Extra Stylet Handle.png

Product reference: PJTXXYY, PJTDXXYY, or PJTHXXYY

XX = Gauge

YY = Minimum Length

Primary packaging: needle individually packaged in an envelope (coupled Tyvek/plastic film) or blister (coupled medical paper/plastic film).

Secondary packaging: cardboard box containing 10 needles. Each cardboard box contains the IFU of the medical device.
WEB005 Rev.00
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