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Stimy Needles

Range of disposable needles for nerve block anesthesia with ENS or ultrasound techniques

Alternative versions: StimyPlus - compatible with ENS and ultrasound technique, reference code: AE[P/T/Q]Mxxyyy

StimyUltra - compatible exclusively with ENS technique, reference code: AE[P/T/Q]MRxxyyy

StimyEcho - compatible exclusively with ultrasound technique, reference code: AE[T/P*/Q]MNxxyyy


The Stimy range of needles includes StimyPlus, StimyUltra, and StimyEcho. These disposable needles are designed for nerve block anesthesia with ENS of ultrasound techniques. The needles are available with a 16 degree long bevel, 30 degree short bevel, or 20 degree pencil point tip. 


Stimy needles are made entirely of stainless steel and special processing on the tip to ensure greater resistance to bending. Depth markings on the entire surface of the cannula help the user accurately identify puncture depth. The needles are also equipped with a detachable luer extension. 


A Nano clear polymer coating on the cannula ensures insulation of electrical currents, ensuring water repellency, low friction, high echo reflection, and high dielectric strength. The electrical wire without memory is certified in accordance with E-DIN 42802-2 IEC/EN 61010-031.


Insulated nerve block anesthesia needle for combined single shot ENS technique and ultrasound technique

The StimyPlus needle can be used with both single shot nerve block ENS and ultrasound techniques. The needle has a nano clear coated cannula with centimeter depth markings. Special EcoBright treatment is applied two centimeters from the top to allow for visibility under ultrasound. 


The electrical wire used in the needle is made in accordance with E-DIN 42802-2 IEC/EN 61010-031. StimyPlus is provided with a detachable luer extension.

Product reference: AE[T/P/Q]Mxxyyy, please download the catalogue for the reference code chart for this product.

Standard Packaging: Pouch
Included in the packaging: StimyPlus needle and luer extension
Number of Units per Box: 10


Insulated nerve block needle for use with single shot ENS technique

The StimyUltra needle can be used exclusively with the single shot ENS technique. The needle has a nano clear coated cannula with centimeter depth markings. 


The electrical wire used in the needle is made in accordance with E-DIN 42802-2 IEC/EN 61010-031. StimyPlus is provided with a detachable luer extension.

Product reference: AE[T/P/Q]MRxxyyy, please download the catalogue for the reference code chart for this product.

Standard Packaging: Pouch
Included in the packaging: StimyUltra needle and luer extension
Number of Units per Box: 10


Insulated nerve block needle for single shot ultrasound technique

The StimEcho needle can be used exclusively with the single shot ultrasound technique. The needle has a nanoclear coated cannula with centimeter depth markings. Special EcoBright treatment two centimeters from the tip of the needle allow for visibility under ultrasound.


StimyPlus is provided with a detachable luer extension.

AETMN StimyEcho

Product reference: AE[T/Q/P]MNxxyyy, please download the catalogue for the reference code chart for this product.

Standard Packaging: Pouch
Included in the packaging: StimyEcho needle and luer extension
Number of Units per Box: 10
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